The blog of the wandering douche

For recognition of the inhumane, thoughtless, greedy, and the negligent. And douchebags.

Archive for April 15th, 2011

Zombie spawn II

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And so parliament passed the zombie digital copyright bill under urgency.

Possibly the best aspect of this blog for me personally is being able to spew forth with the most florid vitriol I can be fucked conceiving of at the random moments I get the urge to post. I don’t have that kind of bile in me tonight, somehow this is above that because of the immediacy and closeness of the fundamental shift that has occurred.

In the shadow of this deceitful resolution, I am not possessed of my customary grace. I assure you that normal service will resume soon.

Written by thewanderingdouche

April 15, 2011 at 1:10 pm